End Of Summer

End Of Summer

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cake, Cake, and More Cake!

When I was growing up money was tight.  We ate our three meals a day and rarely had sweets or snacks.  Every year on my birthday I was allowed to choose what my mother would cook for dinner (almost always chicken nuggets).  This dinner was eaten on a special plate that said “today is your special day”, and that was a treat in itself.  The real treat happened after dinner however, when my mom would bust out the treasure we had all been waiting for.  Every year she made us angel food cake topped with this insanely gooey melt in your mouth boiled frosting.  The cake was spongy, light, and tasty, but the frosting, let’s just say I would give up a limb for that stuff.  Lucky for me, mom was always willing to make it, and she gave me her secret recipe. 

I believe that is where my obsession with cake started.  When I graduated high school, I did so with ambitions to become a world famous artist.  You can see how well that dream worked out for me.  I realized pretty quickly I would still be eating just one cake a year off of what I would make on my artistic abilities.  So I got a boring old office job and crammed my creative side into a box shoved to the dark recesses of the closet and happily ate cake whenever I wanted. 

Then came my daughters first birthday and the need for a pink bunny cake.  A tiny bit of my creativity somehow escaped the box and battled its way through the dark to create my little girls birthday wishes.  What I created was a monstrosity.  Something nightmares are made of.  All of my friends assured me it really did look like a bunny, not Satan’s spawn, and if nothing else it was delicious.  I was mortified.  How could someone who was an art major claim that thing?

That is really the beginning of Beth Al-Qudah’s Personalized Cakes.  From that moment I needed to prove myself.  I dug through that scary closet and ripped the rest of my creativity out of that box and got to work.  I redeemed myself with corn-cob cupcakes at a work potluck.   After that I spent a lot of time experimenting with fondant.  It generally won the battle, but finally I created a blue M&M wearing a diaper for a baby shower.  Success was mine!  I started offering to make cakes for everyone’s events and after the millionth birthday cake I made for my five year old niece (not exaggerating the numbers here) I decided to make myself a legitimate business. 

I can create nearly anything you desire.  Simply give me an idea and I can find a way to make it into a cake.  I have several favorite flavors, vanilla bean, double chocolate, reese peanut butter, pink lemonade, red velvet, and my own personal concoction neopolitan.  I make all my own cake batters and frostings so anything is possible.  Each cake is unique in its own way and completely personalized for to your tastes.

And of course, for those of you who would like a new addiction, I still have my mother’s secret boiled frosting recipe.



  1. True to form, you have rocked the blog post, Beth. This longer-form writing suits your humor and sense of detail soooo well.

    What you've done here is wonderful; you've reminded me that knowing the back story of a business is often the best possible way to become a fan of that business. For example, now that I know the role cakes have played throughout your life, I am "in"--and would absolutely order your product.

    Well promoted!

  2. It is so awesome that you were able to go back to one thing you loved, you had put it aside but in the end you came back to it, most people will never go back to it. Also, your cakes look delicious! I might have to have my mom order one for my brothers next birthday.

  3. Wow! I had no idea you were a baker! I too love to bake, although, I rarely have time to do so. I love how you told the story of how you got into baking. Also, your family birthdays sound very similar to the ones that are at my place because we too get to pick the meal and my mom makes the same cake annually. However, her cake is chocolate with caramel, toffee, and chocolate whip cream on top. Question: What did you use for the butter on your corn cob cupcakes?

    1. I didn't make those exact ones, but they looked similar. I used the yellow starburst for the butter and I got every yellow jelly belly flavor and just mixed them up.

  4. I love this blog post! You are a really good writer by the way! Anyways, I think its pretty awesome that you didn't give up on your passion, even if you weren't so good at it in the beginning.
    My grandma still makes my mom angel food cake every year for her birthday also! It has seriously got to be the best cake ever. It's so soft and moist. I would have to say the batter is the best though, its got kind of a zingy taste to it.

  5. I'm hungry, and you really correlated your pride for nice things in your brief description of your upbringing. I believe that set a great tone to your post, I enjoyed reading your passion for baking. I always get to antsy to make food pretty, and just start eating when its ready.
